Hatchery International

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GenoMar launches genetics line in Brazil

February 29, 2024  By Hatchery International staff

Delivery of GenoMar tilapia fingerlings to a Brazilian farmer. (Photo: GenoMar)

The GenoMar Genetics Group has introduced a new line called, GenoMar 1000: A Fast-Growing Tilapia in the Brazilian market.

This tilapia genetics has been continuously developed for over 30 years and was only present in Asia until now. The company is now managing the GenoMar breeding program also from the Americas, giving the industry more security of supply.

The genetic program consists of a portfolio of lines and products adapted to the different needs of the global tilapia industry. GenoMar will launch an additional one to two products to be launched in the coming years.

According to the company, GenoMar 1000 is selected for fast growth that reduces the production cycle with a consequent increase in farm productivity. The product also combines robustness, resistance to specific pathogens and a competitive fillet yield.


“The first sales are being made to a selected group of key customers and large tilapia producers in Brazil. These companies are vertically integrated and focused on serving the domestic market as well as exports. Together with GenoMar, they want to increase their productivity and profitability through the absorption of global leading genetics,” said Rodrigo Zanolo, commercial director of GenoMar Genetics Group.

In the pre-launch tests carried out under commercial farming conditions in Brazilian waters, the GenoMar 1000 fish grew from approximately 20 to 1,000 grams in 114 days in cages and 121 days in ponds. The fish was compared with high-performing Brazilian genetics, showing 30 per cent faster growth than the local genetics.

GenoMar’s fish groups also showed significantly better uniformity and the survival rates in cages were higher. The fish pathogen, Streptocccus agalactiae was detected at the cage site during the experiment. The elevated tolerance to this infection could be due to the selection for Streptococcosis resistance done over generations on the GenoMar fish.

 “We are very proud of the commercial launch of GenoMar in Brazil. The arrival of this premium genetics on the Brazilian market represents the fulfillment of our promise to the industry and was only possible due to the competence and passion of our team,” said Alejandro Tola, chief executive officer of GenoMar Genetics Group.


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