Hatchery International

Products Nutrition & Feed products
New AI feeding assistant enters market

Global aquaculture supplier AKVA group and artificial intelligence (AI) software developer Observe technologies have teamed up to bring a new, intelligent feeding assistant with pellet recognition to the market. 

February 27, 2019  By Hatchery International Staff

The intelligent feeding assistant uses AI to analyze data and video streams on site. It not only counts visible pellets, but also completes a detailed analysis of the fish behavior, that when used together, identify risk situations and assist the operator in the optimization of the feeding.

The system is integrated with existing hardware at the site and is built to learn over time, to better understand the site-specific issues and to continuously optimize the real-time assistance for each pen. 

The solution was first installed on farms during 2017 and is currently in full commercial operation on farms in Scotland and Chile. During the course of 2019, AKVA group is also planning on introducing the solution to the Nordic market.

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