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Online training hub releases grass carp welfare course for Chinese farmers

May 9, 2024  By Hatchery International staff

Putting welfare science and knowledge into the hands of Chinese farmers. (Photo: FAI Academy)

FAI Academy, a multi-disciplinary training hub, has announced the release of its online “grass carp welfare indicators” course in Chinese.  

With China being the “largest grass carp producer globally,” the launch of this course provides a resource to educate aquaculture farmers on the benefits of improving grass carp welfare in the country. 

 “More than 5.8 million tonnes of grass carp are produced every year, and the majority of these within China,” said FAI’s aquaculture program manager, Sara Barrento. “FAI’s primary goal is to uncover welfare science, synthesize this knowledge and then put it in the hands of farmers. This is exactly what we’re doing with the launch of the Grass Carp Welfare Indicators course in Chinese. 

The FAI said in a press release that the course is based on the latest scientific research and is hosted on the FAI Academy website . It is also available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.  


“FAI has been at the forefront of driving aquatic welfare globally since 2018 and our experience shows farmers have the greatest influence on the welfare of animals in their care. That’s why our new course aims to make welfare accessible to the people that impact the fish and production processes the most – farmers, aquaculture technicians and vets,” said Barrento.  

The course also outlines how farmers can identify welfare issues and implement improved welfare practices into daily working routines. 

“We’re committed to supporting the aquaculture sector in China and this manual is another publication we want to share. By providing a comprehensive, scientific overview of grass carp, the Grass Carp Aquaculture Manual is intended to help disseminate more knowledge and best-practice guidelines among farmers,” said Barrento. 



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