Hatchery International

Hatchery 101: Climate change

January 6, 2023
By Hatchery International staff


Juggling environmental goals and animal welfare goals is a hard balance to strike in a hatchery. With climate change being a growing concern, those goals can sometimes feel like a moving target. In this first of four webinars on sustainability, Host Ben Normand will talk to hatchery veterans and experts about the hatchery’s role in sustainable fish production.

Hatchery 101 series is sponsored by OxyGuard International.



Moderated by:

Ben Normand is a fish farmer, writer, college instructor, and cheerleader for aquaculture.  He has worked with a variety of fin and shellfish species in both New Zealand and Canada in production management, compliance, and communications. In his spare time, you can find him spending time with his family, sailing, biking, and tinkering in his workshop.


Dr. Tiago Hori is the director of innovation for Atlantic Aqua Farms, where he oversees the R&D projects to increase efficiency and resilience in our shellfish aquaculture operations. Dr. Hori recognizes the threat that climate change poses to shellfish aquaculture and is working towards implementing hatchery techniques and genomics to climate-proof AAF’s operations.






Carlos Lopez is the commercial and operations manager at Spring Genetics (Benchmark Genetics USA). He oversees the commercial operations breeding nucleus, also providing technical support to customers in the United States and globally. He was recognized in 2022 as one of Hatchery International’s Top 10 Under 40.





Molly Steere is an engineer and technical editor at Four Peaks Environmental Science & Data Solutions. She has over 24 years of experience and is a foundational member of the Four Peaks Hatchery Assessment team. During her tenure, she has had the opportunity to assess dozens of hatcheries across the U.S. to evaluate the condition of their infrastructure and assess their climate change vulnerability.